Laser Therapy at Hanes Chiropractic Wellness Center

At Hanes Chiropractic Wellness Center we’re committed to bringing the latest in proven healing technologies to you. In addition to chiropractic adjustments and a wide array of other services, Dr. Hanes is happy to be able to offer cold laser therapy to his patients.
Also known as low level laser therapy (LLLT), this therapy works great for Carpal Tunnel, Cervical and Lumbar disc problems, muscle and joint problems, and “Brain Balancing” in addition to many other issues. We use a special technique called Applied Neurology to identify where nerves may be entrapped or not functioning properly. Then, using the cold laser, we are able to free the nerves and get them functioning again.
The Latest in Proven Technology
Our practice employs the Erchonia® GVL Laser. The combination of green and violet laser wavelengths has been shown to be the most effective for decreasing pain and increasing range of motion in a single session. It is the first and only green wavelength laser that has been cleared for use in the United States by the Food and Drug Administration.
How Does It Work?
Erchonia® GVL Laser works by emitting wavelengths of light that are absorbed by your body’s tissues, triggering their natural healing processes. This non-invasive, painless therapy stimulates intercellular communication and cellular energy production, and also increases blood circulation and drainage of lymph in the areas being treated. It can help with both acute and chronic pain from injuries, arthritic changes, or other causes by reducing inflammation and promoting repair of damaged tissue.
Patient Testimonials Video
Help for a Wide Range of Needs.
Whether you are an athlete seeking pain relief and recovery from an injury, an older adult looking for answers for chronic pain, or anyone looking to get back to the activities you enjoy, our GVL laser therapy can help. Dr. Hanes will spend the time to help you determine whether this therapy is right for you.
Don’t suffer any longer. Call us at (541) 447-7230 today to schedule a consultation with Dr. Hanes and learn how our advanced technologies can help you!